Hôtel Restaurant Becs-de-Bosson

3961 Grimentz (Switzerland) - Tel. +41-27-4751979  Fax +41-027-4754979 - E-mail: becs-de-bosson@netplus.ch www.becsdebosson.ch



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Europe Award Prize for Tourism

(Rome, 12th March 2005)

Located in Anniviers valley (Switzerland), modern and well equipped tourist resort where there is still the scent of ancient and never extinguished traditions, the Hotel Restaurant Becs de Bossons from Grimentz can satisfy the requirements of its customers looking for comfort and good organization. Delightful structure of mountain cottage style, the hotel has a bright and pleasant restaurant room rightly called Le Soleil where the local specialties are carefully prepared and the foods of the valley can be tested like mountain pasture cheese and rye bread.


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